Saturday, January 21, 2006

I have a new girlfriend!

It's true!
She's very relaxed.


Ubermilf said...

What happened to "Chloroform Girl?"

Mr. King said...

Well, sadly, she had to be sent off to "Cooking, Cleaning and Satisfying Your Man School". It was a regretful decision but it had to be made quickly. ( The playoffs were on and all)

I only hope her experience can be an icon of behavior and a beacon for chicks everywhere to know when "the Hell to shut up."

Now, does anyone besides me realize I don't have a cocktail?


Mr. King said...

Are we still not speaking of the ill fated "Hatchet Girl?"

Dr. Sardonic said...

You say "girlfriend", I say "one-handed reading".

Mr. King said...

Oh you Sardonic!
I'm waving my fist and woofing at your "don't go there girlfriend" attitude.
Kudos on a zinger well posed!

Mr. King said...

As again jealousy rears it's ugly head, I am forced to remind you all that NONE OF YOU HAVE SEX. However thanks to the Darwin theory of Survival of the Fittest; I AM!

Sorry Dr., maybe there's something good on the Sci-Fi channel tonite.


Johnny Pipewrench said...

You stole my girl!
You took her! She took all my weed!
Now what?
Why? For the love of god! why?