Again, the timing of 3 comments 3-5 minutes apart further reinforces my argument that your freelance career sufferings are no doubt caused by your irreversible brain damage due to drink. I do feel for your "Office Space" environmental dilemna; perhaps it's time to 'pull a Jeff Busch' and shit with the bathroom door open, clog the toilet and clean it up with the office managers birthday sweater.
You can't Photoshop a manhattan in that picture?
You're hacks. No wonder Sonny's freelance career is in the toilet.
What are you guys doing for the SuperBowl?
Toilet stuff mostly.
Though it wouldn't take much goading to convince me to throw a party!
... and my career is not in the toilet. It's in the cube around the corner from Theo and Thom. Just behind the color printer next to the fax machine.
... just follow the trail of tears and Kit-Kat wrappers...
...or listen for the sound of a pair of Dockers khakis straining to do the work of two...
... or follow the scent of gun oil.
Again, the timing of 3 comments 3-5 minutes apart further reinforces my argument that your freelance career sufferings are no doubt caused by your irreversible brain damage due to drink. I do feel for your "Office Space" environmental dilemna; perhaps it's time to 'pull a Jeff Busch' and shit with the bathroom door open, clog the toilet and clean it up with the office managers birthday sweater.
Helping, not Hurting,
Can't you buy your cat a better brand of booze? I should call the Humane Society! Budweiser, indeed.
I've suggested a higher quality beverage, but he just hisses at me and changes the TV back to 'Animal Planet'.
I would think that a cupid would be celebrating Valentines Day.
Replace the 'c' with 'st' and you'll have your answer to that question.
Truer words have never been burped.
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