Wednesday, August 09, 2006

We've tip-toed around this long enough!

Me need job!


Mr. King said...

And no more of that moldy food either.


Ubermilf said...

A moldy cock yields moldy food.

I read that in a fortune cookie once.

Mr. King said...

The chinese are so very wise. I say we keep 'em!

Rev. Jack said... work on our railways!!!

I propose to build a rail-way all the way from Park Ridge to Lincoln Square...without pause!

xoxo Rev. Jack

Johnny Pipewrench said...

You fat,drunken bastard.
I cooked a ten pound roast,
and you didn't even bother
to call and lie to me.
What the fuck's up!
Other than be jobless,
and blowing random old men
in truck stops for beer money,
how the fuck are you?
Stop by the blog,
I'll put some coffee on,
we'll laugh,
we'll cry,
we'll mock only those
who do not answer to our names.
Miss you,