Wednesday, December 14, 2005

I can explain everything but the nighty.

Oh, I can explain the nighty too.


Dr. Sardonic said...

Might this picture have been taken at the Hillbilly Tapas Party? I'm taking the daylight as a hint that it was still relatively early at that juncture, which would account for your being sober enough to actually kneel.

Mr. King said...

Well Dr, I dressed up in YOUR favorite outfit but alas, you weren't in attendance.

What's a boy to do?


P.S. That SUV wasn't as tight as you, girlfriend!

Ubermilf said...

Does anyone care that my computer is in the family room, and that I use it in the same room as my cute little daughters?


Dear FDC, you do realize you can delete postings that your "friends" put on your blog, don't you?

Rev. Jack said...

No he can't, so shush!!!

xoxo Rev. Jack

Mr. King said...

Double shush!