Friday, October 28, 2005

Did you know I paint?

It's true... nudes mostly!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Now See Here Friend...

Here I am offering Robbie Fulks some solid constructive criticism on how his show could be THAT much better.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

I've Had Some Problems With My Teefers!

You'll never guess how I did it!

It's laundry day!

Ask me anything about laundry, from how to remove stubborn stains from your delicates to how to remove stubborn delicates.

Friday, October 07, 2005

The Night of the RED CANDLE!!!

Dare we speak of it?


Fashionistas agree - indian blanket patterns are the new black! "Eye-catching" and "off-putting" are the rage this year and as always Eric Johnson is setting the pace.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

God How I Love Them...

Good and good for you...

You Wanted Sexy...

You Got It!!!

I dare you to tell me otherwise!

I'm a Superstar! (actual photo)

Here are the two gentlemen who have been keeping me alive for the last ten years

Of course, I'm talking about Mr. Importantness and Rev. Jack